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German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Idaho

We are located in Boise, Idaho and have members across Idaho and eastern Oregon.

AKC Events • Club Events • Hunt Tests • Field Trials • Camaraderie •  New Friends •  Good Sport!

Established in 1959

The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Idaho (GSPCI) is dedicated to the betterment of this sporting breed and the  preservation of its natural abilities and standards.  The GSPCI promotes ethical breeding and responsible ownership and training, through  education, competitive events and the sport of upland game bird hunting.  Camaraderie, safety and sportsmanlike behavior exemplify the  membership of the GSPCI.

The club welcomes all recognized pointing breeds, provides opportunities for owners to enhance their skills, facilitates training during summer months, and conducts club and AKC/AF events throughout the year.

I joined the club when I moved to the area last fall and it was the best investment I made since coming to Boise. All the volunteers and members, both new and old, were extremely friendly and helpful. This is a club with heart and great knowledgeable trainers, dog owners, and members who really care for the dogs and each other. And all breeds are welcome!   – Greg

Upcoming Events

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Picnic Hunt Test #3

Picnic Hunt Test #3

February 16, 2025, 9:00am

(43.4779938, -116.2753634) Map

Second to last picnic hunt test before we get to our AKC hunt test.

2 interested  ·  3 going

Monthly Meetings • Picnic Trials • Chukar-O-Rama • Summer Training • Summer Picnic and Water Retrieve • Calendar Contest •  Holiday Party

Why Join the GSPC Of Idaho

Many people join our club for many different reasons. Some come because they have a new pup and want to learn how to train and handle a pointer. Most though stay because of the wonderful members and friendships that are established with our common interest.

The GSPCI also has so many different things going on.  We have offer summer training seminars, have monthly meetings from September through May, invite guest speakers, host hunt test and field trials, and have wonderful club events such as the summer picnic with sporting clay shooting and a water retrieve.

Recent Facebook Posts

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A local connection! Local dog trainers, breeders and field trialers Bridget Ledington and her father Jim are the proud breeders/owners of Toad. Bridget and Toad completed their brace yesterday at the Ames Plantation in amazing fashion, with 7 finds and 2 honors! They’re competing in The National Championship.Bridget Ledington, a proud handler/owner and her dog after finishing the course with a good performance under challenging conditions. You can view this photo and others on our photo sharing site I will be working on adding video later this evening and tomorrow. Coverage of the 2025 National Championship continues tomorrow. Have a great evening. ... See MoreSee Less

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3 days ago

Brrrr the temps were somewhere between frigid and arctic! We still got out for our picnic hunt test #2. White and liver dogs were hard to see in the snow. We will hold picnic hunt test #3 next Sunday, February 16th at the Cole Rd location. ... See MoreSee Less

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I’m registered for the double, double!

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Photography by Scott Kragerud