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2024 GSPCI Hunt Test Weekend

The GSPCI Hunt Test weekend is coming up soon!  The weekend of March 16-17, 2024 gives participants the chance to run 4 hunt tests at the Cornell Ranch Trial/Test Grounds near Mayfield, ID.  2 opportunities each day will be available split between the GSPCI and the Idaho Brittany Club in each stake including Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter, and Master Hunter.  Due to overwhelming support from participants as well as event staff – we’re again using Perfdog to take entries securely on-line, (checks can also be mailed to PERFDOG).  Lunch will be served each day and will be available by donation.  We hope to see you out in the bird field!  Saturday’s Event premium / entry form can be found at: PRMLST_02-05-2024_19-36-11 and the PERFDOG link for entry and payment can be found at:
German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho
Stakes to be assessed include Junior Hunter  (JH) stakes will be assess each candidates hunting, bird-finding, pointing, and trainability.  Both Senior (SH) and Master Hunter (MH) participants are further required to demonstrate acceptable retrieving and honoring/backing in addition to those listed for JH.  All stakes require a minimum score of 7/10 to be eligible for earning the tested stake.  Blank cartridges must be fired for every pointed/flushed bird in the JH stake.  SH and MH will require every backfield bird to be blanked and bird field flushed birds to be shot and retrieved to hand.  All AKC Registered pointing breeds are eligible to run in the event.
Brief description of each requisite test item listed above:
  1. Hunting: Dogs must demonstrate desire, boldness, independence, speed and a useful pattern
    of running. Dogs must hunt and not merely be out for a run in the field. They must show
    independence by leaving their handler’s side to explore the territory. Junior dogs are scored
    more leniently than Seniors and Masters.
  2. Bird Finding Ability: The dog must demonstrate the ability to find game. Translated, find a bird
    or don’t pass. The number of finds is not as important as the quality of the finds. Scenting
    conditions, terrain and cover should be considered in the scoring of this category. Note: the
    course should have sufficient birds (no less than two per brace and more are strongly
    recommended) to insure that a dog with good finding ability will locate them.
  3. German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho

    Pointing: scoring in this category should reflect the style (intensity and staunchness) of the dog
    and its ability to pinpoint birds, especially with difficult or confusing scent patterns. A dog with
    a low stance should not be scored lower than a dog with a high stance if it demonstrates
    staunchness and intensity, particularly in difficult pointing situations. A 12 o’clock tail is not
    necessary and indeed is not found in any AKC Pointing Breed standards. Flagging (considered a
    lack of staunchness) on game is generally a fault in older, more experienced dogs, but should
    not be reflected too severely in the pointing score of a Junior dog. A flash point cannot quality
    in any of the three levels. A flash point is generally a point in which the dog stops only
    momentarily before chasing the bird.
    Junior dogs must hold their point until the handler gets with normal gunshot range and must
    point at least 50% of the birds they find.
    Senior dogs must point and remain in position until the bird is shot or the dog is released. The
    dog may reposition itself if it is attempting to pin the bird. The dog should not creep after or
    trail a bird that the handler is attempting to flush.
    Master dogs must demonstrate steadiness to wing and shot on all birds and cannot receive a
    qualifying score if it breaks.

  4. German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho

    Trainability: A dog is judged on its willingness to be handled, its obedience to commands and
    its gun response. In Juniors, the dog must demonstrate “reasonable obedience” to commands
    and be willing to be handled. The Senior dog is scored with less tolerance than the Junior. The
    scoring of “obedience” and “willingness to handle” should reflect the level of response by the
    dog. The Senior dog must stop on a wild flushed bird and may be commanded to do so. The
    Master dog cannot be given a command to stop. Gun response is also evaluated under

  5. Retrieving: Not required of a Junior dog. A good retrieve is one characterized by directness to
    the bird, quick location, prompt pick up, brisk, direct return to the handler, with tender
    delivery. A Senior dog is not required to retrieve to hand. Generally one or two steps would be
    generally acceptable. A Master dog must retrieve absolutely to hand. The handler cannot
    assist the dog on the retrieve in either Senior or Master tests by moving toward the downed
    bird. Mouthing is a serious fault and any dog which renders a bird unfit for consumption
    cannot receive a qualifying score.

    German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho
  6. Honoring/Backing: Honoring is a requirement in Senior and Master levels. If a dog is given an
    opportunity to honor and refuses, it cannot receive a qualifying score. In Seniors the handler
    may give the dog a command to honor but only after the dog acknowledges that its bracemate
    is on point. A dog that steals its bracemate’s point cannot receive a qualifying score. A Master
    dog must honor on its own.
Scoring on each element is from 0 to 10, and to qualify each dog must achieve an average score
of 7 for the required elements. Any score of less than five on any element is a non-qualifying
score, even if the average score is seven or more.
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