What a great weekend .. blue-bird skys, sunshine, met our membership while hosting participants from Utah, Washington, Montana, Colorado, Eastern-Idaho, Treasure-Valley, Oregon, and Nevada! Representing breeds including Shorthairs, Brittany’s, Weimaraners, Griffons, Wirehairs, English Setters! Throughout the weekend the GSPCI/IBC membership combined to host over 80 event participants breakaway in Puppy FT Stakes as well as Junior, Senior, and Master Hunter braces! Weekend results on the GSPCI course demonstrated 20 of 28 Juniors (15 min), 0 of 10 Seniors (30 min), and 2 of 6 Master (30 min) Hunters finding passing scores towards titling. On the IBC course 21 of 30 Junior Hunters (15 min), 1 of 8 Senior Hunters (30 min), and 1 of 5 Master Hunters (30 min) found passing scores over the weekend.
A big congratulations to GSPCI members for completing Master Hunter braces.
1x Stacie Roberts with “Avy” (Weim-F),
1x Kris Moen with “Piper” (GSP-F),
1x Scott Kragerud with “Belle” (GSP-F)
Congratulations to GSPCI Members for completing their Junior Hunter braces on the GSPCI Course:
2x Lorraine and “Rock” Rothrock – “Raisin” (Griff/F)
2x Brittany/Darrol Leber – “Ronon” (Weim-M)
2x Kety Ferreti – “Bora” – (ES-F)
1x Nathan Leblanc – “Echo” – (GSP-F)

The event coordination was led by GSPCI Board member Mike Williams II who joined our leadership team in 2024 and longtime Brittany Club member, competitor, and event chairperson Ron Dunagan. Mike and Ron did an amazing job managing the event from initial organization through reporting the valley’s first Hunt Test related Puppy Field Trial on Friday and all test-braces on either field!

A very special thanks also to Board Member Karyn Wood and Steve Chambers for keeping food, drinks, and coffee available for all participants, volunteers, judges, and the public by donation throughout the weekend. Saturday’s fare was donuts and coffee for breakfast and a fiesta-chili (? my definition – not theirs ;o)” , chips, and brownies for lunch. Sunday saw a similar fare for breakfast while smoke tracking satellites likely picked up the “lighting of the grill” ceremony with the fare being hamburgers with choice of sauteed onions/bacon with chips, potato salad, and fresh vegetable tray provided by Pheasant Forever Members Rich and Carol Chambers. Truly incredible and filling lunches and breakfasts are made available by Karyn and Steve – thank you both so much for keeping everyone fed – BTW – Karyn does this as well as judge at our events – do her/us a favor and become a judge! Thank you Karyn, Steve, Carol, and Rich!!
Hunt Tests are only possible with Judges and let’s face it we’re fortunate to have so many in the valley – so willing to volunteer their weekends between our two clubs! Many thanks to the following Judges for their long days under the sun scoring each merit for every entry! Judges were as follows:
Friday Puppy Field Trial:
Steve Ball (IBC)
Casey Precht (IBC)
GSPCI – Saturday HT:
Junior Hunter:
Nick Shanto (GSPC – Reno)
Larry Sandusky (IBC)
Senior Hunter
Nick Shanto (GSPC – Reno)
Larry Sandusky (IBC)
Master Hunter
Nick Shanto (GSPC – Reno)
Larry Sandusky (IBC)
IBC – Saturday HT:
Junior Hunter:
Wayne Yamashita (GSPCI – Payette)
Steve Ball (IBC)
Senior Hunter
Wayne Yamashita (GSPCI – Payette)
Steve Ball (IBC)
Master Hunter
Nick Shanto (GSPC – Reno)
Larry Sandusky (IBC)
GSPCI – Sunday HT:
Junior Hunter:
Gary Moen (GSPCI)
Karyn Wood (GSPCI)
Senior Hunter
Gary Moen (GSPCI)
Karyn Wood (GSPCI)
Master Hunter
Luke Smith (Former GSPCI President)
Nate Crofts (GSPCI)
IBC – Sunday HT:
Junior Hunter:
Lacey Precht (IBC)
Steve Ball (IBC)
Senior Hunter
Steve Ball (IBC)
Larry Sandusky (IBC)
Master Hunter
Steve Ball (IBC)
Larry Sandusky (IBC)
Gunners:Vaughn Olson (Captain of Guns/GSPCI), Chris Hoppman (GSPCI), Leonard Whelking (GSPCI), Gary Chapman (GSPCI), Brian Ball, Rod Maves (IBC)
Bird Planters:Nate Crofts (GSPCI), Gary Chapman (GSPCI), Leonard Whelking (GSPCI), Chris Hoppman (GSPCI), Brian Ball, Rod Maves (IBC)
Participant Shuttle:Bruce Cerny (GSPCI), Kevin McRae (GSPCI)
Call-Back Dogs:Bruce Cerny (GSPCI)
Marshalling:Mike Williams II (GSPCI), Lorraine Rothrock (GSPCI), Ron Dunnagan (IBC), Kevin McRae (GSPCI)
Puppy-show-er-off’r: Vivian Chan (GSPCI)
When you see these individuals thank them for volunteering their time to lend their combined experiences to each participant!

A big thank you to our membership for turning out to support both represented clubs. It’s beyond humbling to hear so many of our members asking “what can I do to help!” A sincere thank you to all members for making these events possible through your continuing membership and to those members who volunteered for providing guests with a top tier AKC Hunt Test experience.