2024 GSPCI – Summer Water Retrieve, Club Shoot, and Picnic

On Friday evening, July 19, the GSPCI hosted a membership competitive shoot at the Boise Gun Club.  Alotta thanks go out to our member Leonard Wehking who organized the event through his long experience in competitive shotgun sports as well as his prior membership on the BGC Board of Directors.  Further thanks are owed to GSPCI club-member and BGC staff-member; Letha Thayer who volunteered to run the register. This allowed us to pay for  skeet/trap rounds, drinks, ammunition, and food throughout the event.  Thank you both for volunteering to make the event a success and keep participants both hydrated and safe!

This year’s competition was set-up with a Junior, Female, and Male competition with recognition for top Trap, Skeet, and Combined scores. In the Junior category Glen Durham busted his way to besting his brother Grant by 5 targets where Glen marked 13 hits on the 16 yd BGC Trap Range!  Congratulations to Glen for delivering a great Trap score

In the Female Category Letha Thayer delivered a solid win on the Trap Range where she marked 13 hits. However, Stepahie Maar posted a combined score (Trap + Skeet) of 16 to take the 2024 Female Skeet and Combined Titles.  Congratulations to you both for your skillful shooting!

The men’s category has been dominated by Brian Wheeler for the past 6 years and this year had several competitors looking to dethrone him.  Longtime competitive, avid hunter, and frequent gunner at GSPCI events; Vaughn Olson broke a respectable 21 targets to take the 2024 Men’s Skeet Title while newcomer Scott Kragerud busted his way to hitting 24/25 trap targets and 17 skeet targets which edged Olson out by 1 target for the 2024 Combined score and gave Kragerud the 2024 Trap and Combined titles.

Thanks to everyone who came out to participate in the fun event!  We’re considering starting a GSPCI Trap and/or skeet team.  If you’re interested in shooting in the fall 2024 BGC leagues contact Scott Kragerud to participate on the GSPCI team/s.

On Saturday, July 20 the German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho hosted the Annual Summer GSPCI Retrieving Trial.  There was a good turnout of members with everyone pitching in to fill the various roles needed to run the events for all stakes.

Special thanks go to vice-president Scott Kragerud who secured the Chinden/Joplin lake and grounds and provided the water safety and photography among other responsibilities.  John Bunn provided the club trailer and Marshalled camp, JIm Wade was in charge of bird throwers and gunners, president Kevin McRea secured the birds and judged along with Gary Chapman and David Hawk.  Several members brought delicious salads which along with the shade made the fried chicken and 100 degree temps bearable.

The dock diving was the source of great athletic effort on behalf of the dogs with demonstrations of high flying at significant distance and even submarine-stealth approaches to the bird.  Mrs. Katie Olson and Stephanie Maar helped everywhere and were both greatly appreciated.  Setup began at 8 am and we were on our way home at 2:15 pm before the heat of the day was reached.

Trial Results by Stake

Puppies (dogs under six months)

Four short singles

First Place:  TRIGGER /  Gary Moen (GSP-M – Freedom x Diamond)

Second Place:  BULLET / Gary Moen (GSP-M – Freedom x Diamond)

Third Place:  Britta / Gary Chapman (GSP-F – Lazy x Ice – JCK)

Hunter/Gun Dog all age

single and double

First Place:  SUGAR / John Bunn (GSP-F – May x Diamond)

Second Place:  PIPER / Chris Moen (GSP-F – Freedom x Baker)

Third Place:  STAR / Leonard Wehking (GSP-F – Freedom x Baker)

Fourth Place (Tie):  JAZZY / John Bunn  (GSP-F – Sugar x Kimber Tactical)

BAKER / David Hawk (GSP-M – Mandy x Diamond)

Broke / Open Dogs (all age)

double and blind retrieve

First Place:  DIAMOND / Gary Moen (GSP-M – Mia x Rocky)

Second Place:  BAKER / David Hawk (GSP-M – Mandy x Diamond)

Third Place:  GHILLIE / Vaughan Olson (WPG-M – Citrori x Cappone)

Dock Jump

One practice and three jumps scored by the crowd method

First Place:  STAR / Leonard Wehking (GSP-F – Freedom x Baker)

Second Place:  CODY / Gary Avise (GSP-M –  911 Freedom’s Grace x HDT’s Axel Fire)

Third Place:  WHEELER / Bret Denton (GSP-M)

Fourth Place:  GHILLIE / Vaughan Olson (WPG-M – Citrori x Cappone)


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2024 GSPCI – IBC Hunt Test Results

2024 GSPCI – IBC Hunt Test Brace Sheets

It’s here ..  GSPCI/IBC Hunt Test Weekend!  Here we go.  everything is kicking off Sat/Sun at 8:00 AM.  Lunch will be available each day by donation.  We’re Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Idaho Brittany Club – Sat / Sun Brace Sheets
Directions to the event:

UPDATE – 2024 GSPCI / Idaho Brittany Club Hunt Test

Exciting news .. On Friday March, 15;  the GSPCI and Idaho Brittany Club (IBC) will make club history when we combine efforts to host an AKC Sanctioned Puppy Field Trial Stake in conjunction with our combined “Double-Double” Hunt Test weekend event.  Puppy Field Trial Stakes look for puppies which are between 6 months and no more than 15 months of age on the day of the event.  No birds will be put in the field for this juvenile stake.  Judges will instead be observing each entrants application, desire to hunt, desire to go with the handler, and stay to the front of the handlers, judges, and gallery.  Judges will desire to identify future adult All-Age competitors!
Like the Hunt Test, the AKC Field Trial Stake information can be found at: https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/events/search/index_results.cfm?action=plan&event_number=2024150301
Entry’s will be primarily handled online through Perf Dog which can be found at: https://perfdog.com/event/HeTpNcPwM97qWu7yt 
On Saturday and Sunday (March 16 & 17) the GSPCI and IBC will hold their combined annual hunt tests as a “Double-Double” at the Cornell Ranch Trial/Test Grounds near Mayfield, ID.  This format provides the opportunity to participate in up to 4 tests for each stake held.  Two opportunities exist each day (1 by each club) to earn passing scores towards the AKC recognized titles of Junior Hunter (JH), Senior Hunter (SH), or Master Hunter (MH) at a single location.
Due to overwhelming support from participants as well as event staff – we’re again using Perfdog to take entries securely on-line, (checks can also be mailed to PERFDOG).  Lunch will be served each day and will be available by donation.  We hope to see you out in the bird field!  Saturday’s Event premium / entry form can be found at: PRMLST_02-05-2024_19-36-11 and the PERFDOG link for entry and payment can be found at: https://perfdog.com/event/ooWcZfF2NNtNGA3NW
Hunt Test Criteria (abbreviated):
Stakes to be assessed include Junior Hunter  (JH) stakes will be assess each candidates hunting, bird-finding, pointing, and trainability.  Both Senior (SH) and Master Hunter (MH) participants are further required to demonstrate acceptable retrieving and honoring/backing in addition to those listed for JH.  All stakes require a minimum score of 7/10 to be eligible for earning the tested stake.  Blank cartridges must be fired for every pointed/flushed bird in the JH stake.  SH and MH will require every backfield bird to be blanked and bird field flushed birds to be shot and retrieved to hand.  All AKC Registered pointing breeds are eligible to run in the event.
Brief description of each requisite test item listed above:
  1. Hunting: Dogs must demonstrate desire, boldness, independence, speed and a useful pattern of running. Dogs must hunt and not merely be out for a run in the field. They must show independence by leaving their handler’s side to explore the territory. Junior dogs are scored more leniently than Seniors and Masters.
  2. Bird Finding Ability: The dog must demonstrate the ability to find game. Translated, find a bird or don’t pass. The number of finds is not as important as the quality of the finds. Scenting conditions, terrain and cover should be considered in the scoring of this category. Note: the course should have sufficient birds (no less than two per brace and more are strongly recommended) to insure that a dog with good finding ability will locate them.
  3. German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho

    Pointing: scoring in this category should reflect the style (intensity and staunchness) of the dog and its ability to pinpoint birds, especially with difficult or confusing scent patterns. A dog with a low stance should not be scored lower than a dog with a high stance if it demonstrates staunchness and intensity, particularly in difficult pointing situations. A 12 o’clock tail is not necessary and indeed is not found in any AKC Pointing Breed standards. Flagging (considered a lack of staunchness) on game is generally a fault in older, more experienced dogs, but should not be reflected too severely in the pointing score of a Junior dog. A flash point cannot quality in any of the three levels. A flash point is generally a point in which the dog stops only momentarily before chasing the bird.


     * Junior dogs must hold their point until the handler gets with normal gunshot range and must point at least 50% of the birds they find.

    * Senior dogs must point and remain in position until the bird is shot or the dog is released. The dog may reposition itself if it is attempting to pin the bird. The dog should not creep after or trail a bird that the handler is attempting to flush.

    * Master dogs must demonstrate steadiness to wing and shot on all birds and cannot receive a
    qualifying score if it breaks.

  4. German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho

    Trainability: A dog is judged on its willingness to be handled, its obedience to commands and its gun response. In Juniors, the dog must demonstrate “reasonable obedience” to commands and be willing to be handled. The Senior dog is scored with less tolerance than the Junior. The scoring of “obedience” and “willingness to handle” should reflect the level of response by the dog. The Senior dog must stop on a wild flushed bird and may beg commanded to do so. The Master dog cannot be given a command to stop. Gun response is also evaluated under Trainability.

  5. Retrieving: Not required of a Junior dog. A good retrieve is one characterized by directness to the bird, quick location, prompt pick up, brisk, direct return to the handler, with tender delivery. A Senior dog is not required to retrieve to hand. Generally one or two steps would be generally acceptable. A Master dog must retrieve absolutely to hand. The handler cannot assist the dog on the retrieve in either Senior or Master tests by moving toward the downed bird. Mouthing is a serious fault and any dog which renders a bird unfit for consumption cannot receive a qualifying score.

    German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho
  6. Honoring/Backing: Honoring is a requirement in Senior and Master levels. If a dog is given an opportunity to honor and refuses, it cannot receive a qualifying score. In Seniors the handler may give the dog a command to honor but only after the dog acknowledges that its brace-mate is on point. A dog that steals its bracemate’s point cannot receive a qualifying score. A Master dog must honor on its own.
Scoring on each element is from 0 to 10, and to qualify each dog must achieve an average score
of 7 for the required elements. Any score of less than five on any element is a non-qualifying
score, even if the average score is seven or more.

2024 GSPCI Hunt Test Weekend

The GSPCI Hunt Test weekend is coming up soon!  The weekend of March 16-17, 2024 gives participants the chance to run 4 hunt tests at the Cornell Ranch Trial/Test Grounds near Mayfield, ID.  2 opportunities each day will be available split between the GSPCI and the Idaho Brittany Club in each stake including Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter, and Master Hunter.  Due to overwhelming support from participants as well as event staff – we’re again using Perfdog to take entries securely on-line, (checks can also be mailed to PERFDOG).  Lunch will be served each day and will be available by donation.  We hope to see you out in the bird field!  Saturday’s Event premium / entry form can be found at: PRMLST_02-05-2024_19-36-11 and the PERFDOG link for entry and payment can be found at: https://perfdog.com/event/ooWcZfF2NNtNGA3NW
German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho
Stakes to be assessed include Junior Hunter  (JH) stakes will be assess each candidates hunting, bird-finding, pointing, and trainability.  Both Senior (SH) and Master Hunter (MH) participants are further required to demonstrate acceptable retrieving and honoring/backing in addition to those listed for JH.  All stakes require a minimum score of 7/10 to be eligible for earning the tested stake.  Blank cartridges must be fired for every pointed/flushed bird in the JH stake.  SH and MH will require every backfield bird to be blanked and bird field flushed birds to be shot and retrieved to hand.  All AKC Registered pointing breeds are eligible to run in the event.
Brief description of each requisite test item listed above:
  1. Hunting: Dogs must demonstrate desire, boldness, independence, speed and a useful pattern
    of running. Dogs must hunt and not merely be out for a run in the field. They must show
    independence by leaving their handler’s side to explore the territory. Junior dogs are scored
    more leniently than Seniors and Masters.
  2. Bird Finding Ability: The dog must demonstrate the ability to find game. Translated, find a bird
    or don’t pass. The number of finds is not as important as the quality of the finds. Scenting
    conditions, terrain and cover should be considered in the scoring of this category. Note: the
    course should have sufficient birds (no less than two per brace and more are strongly
    recommended) to insure that a dog with good finding ability will locate them.
  3. German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho

    Pointing: scoring in this category should reflect the style (intensity and staunchness) of the dog
    and its ability to pinpoint birds, especially with difficult or confusing scent patterns. A dog with
    a low stance should not be scored lower than a dog with a high stance if it demonstrates
    staunchness and intensity, particularly in difficult pointing situations. A 12 o’clock tail is not
    necessary and indeed is not found in any AKC Pointing Breed standards. Flagging (considered a
    lack of staunchness) on game is generally a fault in older, more experienced dogs, but should
    not be reflected too severely in the pointing score of a Junior dog. A flash point cannot quality
    in any of the three levels. A flash point is generally a point in which the dog stops only
    momentarily before chasing the bird.
    Junior dogs must hold their point until the handler gets with normal gunshot range and must
    point at least 50% of the birds they find.
    Senior dogs must point and remain in position until the bird is shot or the dog is released. The
    dog may reposition itself if it is attempting to pin the bird. The dog should not creep after or
    trail a bird that the handler is attempting to flush.
    Master dogs must demonstrate steadiness to wing and shot on all birds and cannot receive a
    qualifying score if it breaks.

  4. German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho

    Trainability: A dog is judged on its willingness to be handled, its obedience to commands and
    its gun response. In Juniors, the dog must demonstrate “reasonable obedience” to commands
    and be willing to be handled. The Senior dog is scored with less tolerance than the Junior. The
    scoring of “obedience” and “willingness to handle” should reflect the level of response by the
    dog. The Senior dog must stop on a wild flushed bird and may be commanded to do so. The
    Master dog cannot be given a command to stop. Gun response is also evaluated under

  5. Retrieving: Not required of a Junior dog. A good retrieve is one characterized by directness to
    the bird, quick location, prompt pick up, brisk, direct return to the handler, with tender
    delivery. A Senior dog is not required to retrieve to hand. Generally one or two steps would be
    generally acceptable. A Master dog must retrieve absolutely to hand. The handler cannot
    assist the dog on the retrieve in either Senior or Master tests by moving toward the downed
    bird. Mouthing is a serious fault and any dog which renders a bird unfit for consumption
    cannot receive a qualifying score.

    German Shorthair Pointer Club of Idaho
  6. Honoring/Backing: Honoring is a requirement in Senior and Master levels. If a dog is given an
    opportunity to honor and refuses, it cannot receive a qualifying score. In Seniors the handler
    may give the dog a command to honor but only after the dog acknowledges that its bracemate
    is on point. A dog that steals its bracemate’s point cannot receive a qualifying score. A Master
    dog must honor on its own.
Scoring on each element is from 0 to 10, and to qualify each dog must achieve an average score
of 7 for the required elements. Any score of less than five on any element is a non-qualifying
score, even if the average score is seven or more.

2024 Holiday Hunt – Brace Sheet

2024 Holiday Hunt / Picnic Hunt Test #1 – FEBRUARY 4, 2024

Brace List

Select the orange text below for a link to the PDF Version of the Bracing Sheet/Run Order otherwise see the image.

2024 Holiday Hunt

Weather is looking great for this weekends Holiday Hunt.  Events Kickoff at 8:30 with the mandatory safety meeting for all participants of any sort.  The first brace is set to break-away at 9:00 AM.  Braces are tentatively set to last 15 minutes.  Times indicated on the brace sheet are tentative and subject to on the fly adjustments.  All participants should be at the grounds at least an hour before their scheduled breakaway and will be required to be in the blind (out-of-sight of the field) while the preceding brace is in the field and while bird planters are planting birds.

  • Lunch
    • Ham-sandwiches and taco soup will be served concurrent with braces breaking away from 11:30 – 1:00 P.M.
    • Bottled water will be available;
    • BYOB – should you prefer something other than water.

** IMPORTANT ** Bring waterproof boots as the field has had water in the past in areas and it’s nice to keep those feet dry!  Also make sure to bring sunscreen and beverages of your choice.

Directions to Event:

  • GPS Coordinates:  43.85121, -116.59158

Looking forward to seeing everyone out in Emmett on Sunday Feb. 4

2023 GSPCA Top 10 Field Trial Statistics

Let’s hear it for the Treasure Valley German Shorthairs!

For those of you that are German Shorthair Pointer Club of America members .. you’ll have received the Nov/Dec edition of the Shorthair Journal.  Pages 61 – 65 show the 2023 Field Trial Statistics (FTS) through Sept/2023.  GSPCA FTS is a National ranking of GSPCA membership dogs.  GSPCA FTS rankings are determined by the accumulated number of dogs which have been beaten in field trial competition by the ranked dog.

Membership Dogs Represented in the GSPCA FTS are listed by competition stake:

KC Moen’s Freedom’s Belle

Amateur Puppy: GSPCA National Rank 5th: GSPF – KC Moen’s Freedom’s Belle aka “Belle;” Whelped by Gary Moen’s GSPF – “KC Moen’s Freedom Isn’t Free” and Sired by David Hawk’s “Double A Baker;” Belle is owned by Scott Kragerud

Open Derby: GSPCA National Rank 2nd (2 way tie):GSPF – KC Moen’s Freedom’s Belle aka “Belle;” Whelped by Gary Moen’s GSPF – “KC Moen’s Freedom Isn’t Free” and Sired by David Hawk’s “Double A Baker;” Belle is owned by Scott Kragerud

Josh and Allison Miller with Up ‘N Adams Gaining Elevation

Amateur Limited Gun Dog: GSPCA National Rank 6th: GSPM – Up N’Adams Gaining Elevation; Owned by Josh and Allison Miller.

Open Gun Dog: GSPCA National Rank 5th: GSPM – Up N’Adams Gaining Elevation; Owned by Josh and Allison Miller.




Derrick Olsen and Oreo

Open Limited Gun Dog: GSPCA National Rank 10th: GSPF – Jump Creeks Cookie Monster “Oreo;” Whelped by “Lil Angels Angelic Dotti;”  and Sired by “Smooth as Slick;” “Oreo” is owned by Derrick and Shannon Olsen (Jump Creek Kennels).





Congratulations to each Canine/Handler team on these accomplishments and thank you for representing the greater Treasure Valley German Shorthairs!!

2024 Holiday Hunt

PostPoned to 2/4/2024 –

What a difference a week makes!
The Holiday Hunt will be postponed to 2/4/2024.  Co-Chairs and the GSPCI Board see the uncertainty related to the current weather pattern in the valley on top of standing water and saturated soil at the trial grounds as a good reason to postpone the event.  Therefore the 2024 Holiday Hunt will now take the place of the 2024 Picnic Hunt Test #1 on 2.4.2024.

The GSPCI Membership the Holiday Hunt is once again nearly upon us!  This year’s event will be held near Emmett, Idaho on January 13, 2024.  As in years past there will be two divisions: An “Open” Division for pointing-breeds > 18 months of age on the day of the event and a “Young Dog” division for pointing-breeds less then 18 mos of age on the day of the event. Entry fees will be $50.00/dog/run.  Bobwhite quail will be released for each brace and braces will run for 20 and 15 minutes in the Open and Young Dog divisions, respectively.

For Current Members; look in your email for the registration and event description forms sent out on 12/13/2023 at 10:00 AM MST.

For Non-Members: YOU MUST BE A CURRENT GSPCI MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EVENT.  To become a member select the membership section of the website and enter your information.  The membership team will follow up with you for payment.

2023 GSPCI Fall Walking Field Trial

Thanks for making our membership-driven AKC Fall Walking Field Trial possible and successful!  We had registrations from Washington, Oregon, Nevada, British Columbia, and all throughout Idaho!   This year we had over 50 entries registered to breakaway in 6 different stakes held on the Cornell Ranch Trial/Test Grounds near Mayfield!
First – A ginormous thank you goes out to the following Judges and members for donating their time, attention, and efforts to making the event a success.  Placements / placement photos follow acknowledgements (no photos were taken for ALWGD due to lack of light).
Overall a giant thank you to everyone involved .. it was a beautiful weekend to run dogs!
Thank you to Event Judges: 
Emmett Burns (OWD, OWGD, OLWGD, OWP)
Derrick Olsen (OWGD)
Wayne Yamashita (ALWGD, OLWGD)
Steve Ball (OWD, AWGD)
Event Placements!
– Open Puppy  (OP) – 5 Entries – 1 Point to 1st Place – 
1st Bret Denton – “Boone” – GSPM
2nd Brittany Leber – “Ronan” – WM
3rd Travis Palmer – “Lilo” – GSPF
4th Mike Williams II – “Lefty” – GSPF
OP – Membership Entries:
Bret Denton – “Boone” – GSPM
Travis Palmer – “Lilo” – GSPF
Mike Williams II – “Lefty” – GSPM
– Open Walking Derby (OWD) – 14 Entries – 3 Points to 1st Place – 
1st – Jason Sanko – “Maggie” – BF
2nd –  Mike Williams – “Nipsey” – GSPM
3rd – Stephany Leisz – “Vaughn’ – GSPM
4th – Leonard Wehking – “Star” – GSPF
OWD – Membership Entries:
John Bunn – “Jazzy” – GSPF
Scott Kragerud – “Belle” – GSPF
Gary Moen – “Piper” – GSPF
Mike Williams II – 3 Entry’s
   * “Lola” – GSPF
   * “Lefty” – GSPM
   * “Nipsey” – GSPM
David Hawk – “Scout” – GSPM
Bret Denton – “Boone” – GSPM
Travis Palmer – 2 Entry’s
   * “Lilo” – GSPF
   * “Loki” – GSPM
Leonard Wehking – “Star” – GSPF
– Open Walking Gun Dog (OGD) – 12 Entries – 2 Points to 1st Place – 
1st Gary Moen – “Freedom” – GSPF
2nd Tom Loy – “Jo” – GSF
3rd Gary Moen – “Jewel” – GSP
4th Jason Sanko – “Missy” – BF
OGD – Membership Entries:
Scott Kragerud – “Belle” – GSPF
Travis Palmer – “Thor” – GSPM
Gary Moen – 2 Entry’s
   * Freedom – GSPF
   * Jewel – GSPF
Tom Loy – “Jo” – (GSF)
– Amateur Limited Walking Gun Dog (ALWGD) – 6 Entries – 1 Points to 1st Place – 
1st Jeff Minch – “Buck” – BM
2nd Jeff Minch – “Ginger” – BF
3rd Stacy Roberts – Avy – WF
4th withheld
ALGD – Membership Entries:
Kevin McRae – “Ruby” – VF
Tom Loy – “Jo” – GSF
– Amateur Walking Gun Dog – Retrieving (AWGD) – 10 Entries (2 scratches) – 2 Points to 1st Place – 
1st Jason Sanko – “Missy” – BF
2nd Gary Moen – “Jewel” – GSPF
3rd Gary Moen – “Freedom” – GSPF
4th withheld
Amateur Gun Dog – Retrieving Stake placements.
AWGD-RET – Membership Entries:
David Hawk – “Baker” – GSPM
Travis Palmer – “Thor” – GSPM
Gary Moen – 2 Entry’s
    * “Jewel” – GSPF
   * “Freedom” – GSPF
Scott Kragerud – “Belle” – GSPF
Kevin McRae – “Ruby” – VF
– Open Limited Walking Gun Dog (OLWGD) – 5 Entries – 1 Points to 1st Place – 
1st withheld
2nd Jason Sanko – “Missy” – BF
3rd withheld
4th withheld
Open Limited Walking Gun Dog Placement.
AWGD-RET – Membership Entries:

Tom Loy – “Jo” – GSF

Thank you to Bird Planters:
Kevin McRae (President – GSPCI)
Mike Williams
Travis Palmer
Leonard Wehking
Bret Denton
Thank you to Event Setup/Tear Down:
Ray Larondo (Board Member – GSPCI)
Kevin McRae (President – GSPCI)
Bret Denton
Mike Willams
Travis Palmer
Thank you to Lunch Prep:
Bret Denton (Sunbeam Grill Maestro)
David Hawk (Board Member – GSPCI)
Thank you for Event Reporting Duties (and donuts): 
Kevin McRae (President – GSPCI)

GSPCI 2023 Fall Walking Field Trial (Nov. 11-12)

The GSPCI Fall Walking Field Trial is only 3 weeks out! Entry is currently available through PerfDog at ( https://perfdog.com/event/fe6XDHbCYijAwWDGc ).
Remember you can fill out the registration forms attached below and send in to perfdog along with your payment OR use their electronic entry system after 9/13/2023.
As always we appreciate your support for this event and look forward to seeing your dog in action!
There’s a fillable PDF available of the registration form online through AKC at: