Let’s hear it for the Treasure Valley German Shorthairs!
For those of you that are German Shorthair Pointer Club of America members .. you’ll have received the Nov/Dec edition of the Shorthair Journal. Pages 61 – 65 show the 2023 Field Trial Statistics (FTS) through Sept/2023. GSPCA FTS is a National ranking of GSPCA membership dogs. GSPCA FTS rankings are determined by the accumulated number of dogs which have been beaten in field trial competition by the ranked dog.
Membership Dogs Represented in the GSPCA FTS are listed by competition stake:

Amateur Puppy: GSPCA National Rank 5th: GSPF – KC Moen’s Freedom’s Belle aka “Belle;” Whelped by Gary Moen’s GSPF – “KC Moen’s Freedom Isn’t Free” and Sired by David Hawk’s “Double A Baker;” Belle is owned by Scott Kragerud
Open Derby: GSPCA National Rank 2nd (2 way tie):GSPF – KC Moen’s Freedom’s Belle aka “Belle;” Whelped by Gary Moen’s GSPF – “KC Moen’s Freedom Isn’t Free” and Sired by David Hawk’s “Double A Baker;” Belle is owned by Scott Kragerud

Amateur Limited Gun Dog: GSPCA National Rank 6th: GSPM – Up N’Adams Gaining Elevation; Owned by Josh and Allison Miller.
Open Gun Dog: GSPCA National Rank 5th: GSPM – Up N’Adams Gaining Elevation; Owned by Josh and Allison Miller.

Open Limited Gun Dog: GSPCA National Rank 10th: GSPF – Jump Creeks Cookie Monster “Oreo;” Whelped by “Lil Angels Angelic Dotti;” and Sired by “Smooth as Slick;” “Oreo” is owned by Derrick and Shannon Olsen (Jump Creek Kennels).
Congratulations to each Canine/Handler team on these accomplishments and thank you for representing the greater Treasure Valley German Shorthairs!!